Customer Testimonials

Reach us by phone at 206-985-0028

"My house looks great and my fridge/freezer looks terrific! Thanks for your excellent work"
Susie H.

"The cleaning job has been fantastic!"
Paul D.

"We love the vacuum you guys use on our home. Also you guys did things you didn't have to do. It means a lot. Your personal touch I can't compare to anyone else"
Thank you D.K.

"The products you are using to clean our home are great. My husband and I love coming home on cleaning days"
Leah P.

“I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for making my home so beautifully clean! I am so happy!... Having Sound Cleaning come to our house is such a huge help to our family. It allows me to do some of the other things around the house, yet more importantly it allows me more time to spend with my children and husband!"
Christina V.

"Everything was great! We were extremely pleased with everything that was done. Thanks for your excellent work"

"Thank you for the wonderful job you do for us. You make our home look immaculate. Having your service has allowed me to spend more time with my family. We are very fortunate to have you.”
Thank you M. H.

"Just wanted to let you know that I was extremely happy with the work your staff did. The apartment looks great!"
Ryan K.

"I'm so glad you're cleaning my looks so great! I really appreciate you making my beds too...especially after my surgery :-)
Sarah C.

"I am very impressed at what you accomplished at my house. I would love to have you take care of this every other week."
David S.

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